5 New Metrics Measuring Workplace In 2023

Finally, it’s 2023! Another new year has begun with several headstrong goals and expectations. Many people are looking forward to hit the ground running in their respective fields and hoping for a positive start in the beginning of the first month. For corporates, this is the year of adapting new emerging work trends in a legitimate way. To be precise, a lot has changed in the past two years in terms of working and companies are now moving beyond traditional approaches of measuring a workplace. 

In the past, employers typically used to focus on the costs involved in operating their space. However, things have been different lately. While focusing on operating cost still remains the key for financial accountability, many companies have also started to measure human experience at the workplace to better assess the ability and efficiency of their spaces to meet their employees’ expectations.

Here are the five metrics that companies are implementing to assess their workplaces in the post-COVID era:

5 New Metrics Measuring Workplace

1. Employee Engagement

First and probably the most important factor to consider for measuring your workplace in the modern era is tracking employees’ level of engagement in the office. This entails the satisfaction levels of workers during the office hours. It comprises access to green spaces,  flexibility of working, and wellness initiatives. All these factors have become highly important ever since the coronavirus pandemic disrupted people’s way of working. The disengagement of employees at the workplace has also led to massive quiet quitting. 

2. Attrition Rate

Another metric that offers valuable insights while measuring a workplace is attrition rate. The most common way to measure this is through exit surveys. You can ask your employees how factors such as work environment, location, and flexibility of work influenced their decision to leave the job. To address this issue, companies need to create a better working environment for their employees which allows them to feel more connected towards their workplace. 

3. Indoor Environment Quality

Next is indoor environment quality. As the term defines its purpose, companies need to measure the elements such as air quality, temperature, and sound inside their office space. For instance, lack of sound privacy or maybe excessive commotion in the office space are identified as the most underdelivered aspect of the human experience at the workplace.

Having a proper knowledge of employees’ preferences of the office environment can help the companies create more conducive spaces for their team.

4. Social Cohesion When Working Remotely

With the continuous rise in hybrid work culture, the way people collaborate across the organization is increasingly becoming important. Analyzing how connected employees feel about their team and their organization when working from home or remote locations has never been this crucial for the employers. However, given the transformation of the work industry across the country, social cohesion is also considered to be a key metric to measure the workspace. 

5. Right space for every task

As employees have now returned to offices, the types of spaces available in the workspace have become a big deal for them. For employers, it is now necessary to provide a variety of spaces such as recreational activity zone, private cabins, meeting rooms for quick brainstorming sessions and others that cater for focused work, collaborative work and physical work of employees.



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