6 simple hacks to start loving the job you hate

How many of you dreamt of becoming a singer, a ballet dancer, a rock star, a pilot or maybe a celebrity while growing up? At some point in our lives, we all dream and aspire of becoming something that seems a bit farfetched as we grow up. My 2 year old wants to become a tooth fairy, and aspires to collect each and every teeth of children worldwide and replace it with a gold coins while they are asleep. Such an expensive philanthropic job! Hopefully she will change her ambition into something profitable when the next episode of Peppa Pig hits the screen. So, the point is, everyone of us harboured a dream job at some point in our  lives, which we literally cherished for a long time until one day we were hit by a hammer right in our heads by this term called ‘Reality Check’.  Yes, a lot of dream boats sank and will keep sinking as and when the wind of reality blows. So, instead of becoming an Astronaut and circumnavigating the earth, you are probably navigating your computer screen in search for a word that might suit your next article. And, while you try to create some content for your blog or feeling stuck in a boring meeting, do you think what you have done to get punished in such a cruel manner? So, if these situations sound familiar and you are desperate to make peace with your present situation while also loving your job at the same time, we have come up with a few hacks to make your dull day full of bright light. 

  1. Acceptance – Acceptance is the keyword to peace because whatever cannot be cured should be endured. Well, your situation might not be this grave, but if your present life depends on this job, this should be your mantra for now. Start by slowly accepting the reality. Think about the vast unemployment lurking in every corner in our country. So, be happy with the fact that you have one and its descent enough to meet your everyday needs.
  2. Change your Perspective Sometimes your ambition works against your confidence. For example, if you have aspired to be a doctor but somehow ended up being a caregiver, it kind of brings your morale down. In such times, remind yourself there are people who are vying to reach this position. Train your mind to see the merits in your work rather than demerits. What you think, you become. If you shift your perspective in favor of your current job, you will start to feel the change within you in a positive manner.
  3. Take pride in your workspace  This is one the most important aspect that we usually overlook. Every day we come to office with a picture in mind, right from boarding the bus till we reach office, we dread reaching the workstation, dimly lit, cramped, untidy etc. How we perceive our sitting area makes a lot of difference. Workspace should be clutter free and pleasant. Yes, one cannot do much as your workspace belongs to the company, but what you can do is keep it clean and neat with a display of important contacts along with few fresh photos of things you love. These small things make all the difference. Sometimes a simple sweep can make things neat. The idea is to instill a sense of belonging with your current job and when you start treating your workspace as your own, you will start loving your job too slowly and steadily.
  4. Communication & Camaraderie  You might not like your job, but it is possible you like your office. Many a times it happens you befriend people at your workplace who become your lifelong friends. Sometimes you start liking your job just because you find other colleagues sailing in similar boats and connect on the same level. In order to find likeminded people and a support group within your workspace, its important that you start communicating with all your colleagues. It will not only help getting over the blues, but you will also get a fresh perspective on why you should be happy in your present job. This feeling of belonging and camaraderie within your office will help you get over the constant urge to run away, instead you will look forward going to work every morning.
  5. Connecting with your Boss  This does not mean you start treating your boss as your pal, no, there should always be a certain level of respect and privacy that should prevail between an employee and their superior. But, you should always be connected to your boss in someway. It starts by a simple greeting and delivering your duties well. Whenever you feel demotivated, never shy away to have a word with your boss about your doubts and expectations. Your boss single handedly can sometimes make a difference by motivating you as long as you are open to convey your thoughts. So it’s important that you keep your communication lines free between you and your boss. In any organization, if you have good understanding with your boss the job becomes a cake walk. So, be there on time and deliver what the company expects from you. I don’t know of any company that don’t appreciate a competent & honest employee.
  6. Set goals within your limits  Your job is what you make out of it. You might be a front office person or a backend person. There is no limit to excellence so, don’t measure your job as small or big. No responsibility is small. Try and do your best in whatever position you are appointed. Within your limits try your best to support the company and contribute your bit as much as you can. And, never forget that you are a part of the company because they chose to hire you, they saw your potential when other companies failed to see it. Respect that!

Stay true to yourself, love your workspace & start loving your job.

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