Important Things You Should Consider Before Taking Home Loans

Important Things You Should Consider Before Taking Home Loans

Buying a house is one of the most important and biggest decisions that you or your family could ever make in the life. After a lot of planning and financial savings, a person comes to the decision of purchasing a house of his dreams. But there is so much to navigate through before settling down […]

What 1 crore will get you in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai & Bengaluru?

What 1 crore will get you in Delhi-NCR, Mumbai & Bengaluru?

Owning a home at a decent location with good connectivity and in budget is still a dream for many working professionals, considering the constantly changing dynamics of the market and growing property rates. It takes a lot of time, patience and maybe your lifetime savings to buy a luxurious home in a big city. Purchasing […]

Transformation Of Real Estate Industry: Construction Outlook In Post-COVID Era

Transformation Of Real Estate Industry: Construction Outlook In Post-COVID Era

The construction industry in India is the second largest employer after agriculture and it represents 13% of the global GDP. Though the life-threatening wave of novel coronavirus brought all the sectors, big or small, to a complete standstill and construction industry was no different. But now, when the things are coming back to normalcy and […]

PropTech Trends That Will Dominate The Future Of Real Estate

PropTech Trends That Will Dominate The Future Of Real Estate

Many people still think that the real estate industry is relatively a conventional sector as compared to the other industries in the world. But that’s not completely true as the realty sector has also been transforming and adopting modern approach in the business. With the rapid innovation, the realty players have also shifted their focus […]

Flexible Work Trends: What Can We Expect in 2022?

Flexible Work Trends: What Can We Expect in 2022?

The last two years of pandemic have been no short of a topsy-turvy ride for the corporate world. As we have entered in 2022, it’s actually incredible to reflect on the huge impact of flex work on many organizations across the world. These ‘new normal’ policies have acted as a lifeline for many workers, enabling […]

What are REITs? Are they good for investment?

What are REITs? Are they good for investment?

Planning to invest in Real Estate but don’t want to put huge amount of money in it? Not to worry, because it is possible. Everybody knows that real estate requires a hefty amount of investment. But if you don’t have enough money to put in, the best way to do it is through Real Estate […]

What is fractional ownership?

What is fractional ownership?

Everyone dreams of owning a luxurious property or a million-dollar asset. In this modern era, almost all of us hustle and work hard to achieve our goals. However, it takes a lot of efforts and time for an individual to save hefty amount of money to own something big. And what if the starting price […]

How Leases in Commercial Real Estate Are Structured?

How Leases In Commercial Real Estate Are Structured?

Leasing a commercial space is indeed a big decision for any organization and it requires big amount of investment. Just like the other legal agreements, a commercial lease should also not be treated in a cursory way. Therefore, while renting a commercial space for business purpose, it is not only necessary to do your own […]

Is Hybrid Model The Future Of Work?

Is Hybrid Model The Future Of Work?

Believe it or not but the coronavirus pandemic has enforced every big and small organization across the world to revamp their conventional pattern of working. Work from home, which was merely a need of time, has now become an integral part of “New Normal”. Well, the concept of remote work isn’t something new as even […]

Work from home vs work from office – Which one is better?

Work from home vs work from office – Which one is better?

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic gripped the world, it sparked a new topic of debate among the people – work from home vs work from office. Those who prefer the remote working policy argue that it gives their daily routine a much-needed flexibility, while the people who are in favour of office working believe that […]

Want to cancel your flat booking? – Follow these steps

Want to cancel your flat booking? – Follow these steps

How many times does it ever happen that you bought something really expensive and end up realizing it isn’t good enough or perhaps you shouldn’t have invested your money in it at the first place? May be a couple of times! We understand that each and every penny that you earn matters the most. That’s […]

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