Legal checklist for buying a standalone house or residential apartment

Legal Checklist For Buying A Standalone House Or Residential Apartment

Are you planning to buy a house? Have you gone for numerous site visits and seen many properties before finding the house or flat of your dreams? Well Congratulations!! But now it’s time to get serious. Before buying a house, there are lots of points you need to check to make sure that your purchase […]

8 common mistakes to avoid while investing in real estate

8 common mistakes to avoid while investing in real estate

There is no doubt in saying that real estate is one of the most recommended and safest sectors to invest in the modern era. People across the world invest in Real Estate Investment for many different reasons. Some want to have security in the form of a house, some do it to impress their peers, […]

Important legal checklist for buying a property

Legal Checklist for Buying a Property-1

Investing in a property is not an easy task as it involves a hefty amount of your capital and even a slightest mistake during the process can land you in troubled waters. But don’t worry we have made it simple for you. This blog will help you to identify real estate pitfalls you might encounter […]

Why you should not buy a house even when you can afford it?

Why You Should Not Buy A House? - 1

Owning a luxurious, well-designed and expensive house still might be a dream to many people. Indeed, when you start earning of your own, one of the major goals in your mind would be buying a perfect house or buy a house. After all, everyone wants a roof over their heads. But before taking any big […]

How Coworking Can Help You Strike The Perfect Work-Life Balance?

Coworking Can Help You Strike The Perfect Work-Life Balance - 1

Are you someone who always cribbed about slogging to work early in the morning, but the last one and a half years hasn’t been any better either, despite your long-lost dream of working from home, coming true? Do you also strive daily to achieve the perfect work-life balance? Well, what if there is one solution […]

How To Get Funding For Your Startup?


Got the greatest startup idea of all times, but wondering how to get it funded? Well, just because you’ve got an idea people won’t start throwing money at you! Therefore, it becomes even more important to get your startup idea funded.  According to a recent study, 94% of new businesses fail in the first year […]

Why You Should Not Buy a House in India?

Why You Should Not Buy A House? - 1

The stigma around not owning a house in India has been age-old. But, Gen Z is here to break old shackles and make way for new ways. Even though now our society has become more receptive to owning debt which has made buying a house even easier. Have you ever considered renting a house instead […]

How To Find Office Space On Rent?

How To Find Office Space On Rent? -1

Are you looking for an office space for rent? We know renting an office space can be quite a turning point, whether you own a business or a startup. But, it can get quite daunting to find the perfect fit that meets all your needs and requirements. Here, you need to make a list of […]

Measures Every Coworking Space Should Adopt Post Coronavirus Lockdown

Coronavirus Lockdown

The beginning of the year 2020 has witnessed one of the biggest outbreak that history has ever recorded. This disease has greatly impacted the entire world at a scale that is unfathomable.. Corona virus disease is a droplet infection and spreads primarily through contact with an infected person when they cough and sneeze.

Impact of Coronavirus on Coworking Spaces

covid19 working woman

The coronavirus has had a massive impact on multiple businesses especially restaurants, hospitality and airline sector. The impact of this on coworking spaces is also tremendous. Coworking spaces offer flexible, usually monthly, workspaces to clients with limited lock-ins and notice periods. With many companies sending their employees to work from home, the flexible office spaces […]

How to choose the best Coworking space for yourself

people working vector

Coworking or shared office spaces in the real estate sector have seen a huge upsurge in the past few years. The corporate scenario has drastically changed over the past few years with more and more employed individuals getting inclined towards start-ups and independent ventures that gives them the liberty and flexibility to take control of […]

Why more and more large firms are opting for Coworking spaces

office space

The corporate world is taken over by Coworking or Shared spaces completely. The graph is shooting up for the Coworking sector. Earlier Coworking Spaces were believed to be meant for only Freelancers, independent thinkers, remote workers or anyone who clearly prefers to works in a non traditional way and do not prefer the typical 9–5 […]

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